Latest news from the trenches


Go: Wait for n tasks to complete with wait groups

Though we’ve been Ruby lovers for the past decade here at Novelys, we’re always keeping an eye on other languages and ecosystems. We’ve been playing around with google’s go here and then, and recently I was trying to achieve something that I was quite used to do in javascript: making n parallel requests to various apis, then wait for all of them to complete and move on. In a way, it is the opposite topic of a previous blog post, in which I did not wanted to wait for all of the requests to complete before displaying feedback.

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Ember.js: parallel loading of several resources

We had another opportunity to use Ember.js in a client project recently. The application is a kind of video aggregator: the front page loads many rows of videos, each coming from a different source. Since the various requests can take some time, we want to display a spinner for each row. Nothing too fancy or unusual here.

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Building an app with Ember.js using HTML5 Storage APIs

At Novelys, we have been developing and maintaining a sales book for Eckes-Granini for a few years. At some point, they contacted us regarding some features they wanted to add to the application. With the client, we decided it was best to start from scratch, remove the cruft, and benefit from the best technologies that were now available. This post is going to dive into some of the technological choices we made and why.

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By Novelys

New Teammate

We're very happy to welcome Sébastien Azimi in our team. We've known him for a long time and we know the value he can add to the kind of projects we're working on. In addition to being a nice guy he's also very good on the technical side. He's a graduate of the ENSIIE software engineering school from Strasbourg. You can find below his Github, Twitter and LinkedIn profile page.
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Sales Book

Eckes-Granini came to us in 2008 while looking for a numeric sales book that was not tied to a specific platform, and which could easily be managed and updated when needed. This sales book was to be used by their salesman, and therefore needed to be as intuitive as it could be. Aside from that, the very nature of their job made it clear they needed a solution that would work offline, since you can never be sure about having a network connectivity when traveling. Continue reading »