Today, well this afternoon, I was attending the first part of the AndroidCamp which took place in Stuttgart: The beginners workshop.
The goal was to show to people how to develop Android apps using Eclipse, Android SDK and ADT plugin for Eclipse (in other words, a newbie session).
Benny, Moritz and Sven had the hard task to present to more than 30 persons how to build an Android app, and in english because of me (I don't speak German). As almost everybody wasn't used to develop with Eclipse, they shown us very slowly each steps to create an Android Project, an Android virtual device based on whatever Android SDK version and run your project.
So, we built a very basic "Hello World" app to see how this is structured and how it works.
Thanks to this beginners workshop, I had a great introduction to Android development despite of the fact that I was using Java and its ugly syntax.
What's next?
tomorrow I'll attend the AndroidCamp second part.
make my own Android app, maybe I'll code it tomorrow, called BonjourMonsieur to have an eye breaking every morning on my Desire!